📡 SkyWave 3: Rabbit Ears Challenge


The "SkyWave 3: Rabbit Ears" challenge, created by syyntax, asks participants to determine the most commonly used antenna type managed by Florian Olyff. This challenge requires SQL knowledge and the ability to use joins across multiple tables.

Challenge Details

Provided Information

Database Access: Continue using the same SSH connection from the previous challenge (High Tower).

Username: skywave

Password: d34df4c3

Solution Process

SQL Query Breakdown

To find the most commonly used antenna type on towers managed by Florian Olyff, we used the following SQL query:

SELECT a.antenna_name, COUNT(*) AS antenna_count
FROM Towers t
JOIN Tower_Sectors ts ON t.tower_id = ts.tower_id
JOIN Antennas a ON ts.antenna_id = a.antenna_id
WHERE t.operator_id = 4  -- Florian Olyff's operator_id
GROUP BY a.antenna_name
ORDER BY antenna_count DESC

This query joins the Towers, Tower_Sectors, and Antennas tables, filtering by Florian Olyff’s operator ID (operator_id = 4), and groups the results by antenna_name to find the most frequent antenna type.


The most commonly used antenna type is Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), with a count of 3.


The flag is: flag{Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) 3}